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7. Setting up roles, rates and activities

Yanomo offers maximum flexibility in setting up rates & activities for yourself and your organization.

- You can set general rates and activities for all users within the organization via "Account" >> "General activities & rates". Think of these as the "list prices" for your work. You can add as many as you want. All will show up as options during time entry for every user.

- If you want to keep the interface cleaner, you should take the time to specify user-specific rates and activities at the user level, which only will be available to these users. To edit these, go to "Profile & Settings" from the user's dashboard. You'll find the rates & activities on the lower end of the page.

- You can define client-specific rates and activities, which is relevant when you made a deal with a certain client to do all projects for a non-standard rate. To tune these, go to "Team & Clients" >> [click client name] >> "Activities & Rates", again found at the end of this page. If this special rate applies to everybody in that role, leave the name field blank. If it applies to a specific person, select him or her.

- Finally, you can also set project-specific rates and activities. This is relevant when you agree to do a specific project for a special rate. You can set these via "Our Projects" >> [click project name] >> "Activities & Rates", which is found all the way down on the project overview page. If this special rate applies to everybody in that role, leave the name field blank. If it applies to a specific person, select him or her. You can also specify if these special project rates replace the general rates, or that they are available next to these rates.

In situations where multiple rates are defined for one activity, Yanomo will select the prevalent rate. Prevalence is assigned as follows:

1. Project rates;

2. Client rates;

3. User rates;

4. General rates.

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